A Memorial for Holocaust Boxers
This project was lead by Anthoula Bourna and Fanis Gioles. The research was carried out by Maria Chatzidemou.
Invited Artist: Giorgos Plastok, Dennis Metaxas
Project Tiefschlag is inspired from the story of the sinti boxer Johann Trollmann (Rukeli) and it uses it as a starting point in order to look into more stories of “Holocaust Boxers”. The stories of these boxers are brought in an intertextual and imaginary ring, so as to examine the complexities of boxing in concentration camps and ghettos and to analyse the multiple levels of violence.
A part of the research deals with the long tradition of blood sports as spectacle in fairs, circuses, freakshows and pop culture, as well. The research is also finalized through personal contact and discussion with the communities related to the topic. The stories of the boxers from various minorities are presented and expected to start a discussion about the different versions of memories, which are usually represented as competing with each other. This competition should be seen through the prism of Michael Rothberg’s theory of multidirectional memory and of Lawrence Langer’s theory of choiceless choices. The group has a critical look at what a memorial could be. The results of this discussion are presented in the form of a lecture performance.
Parallel actions include a workshop under the title “(Self)Reflections on the History and Memory of National Socialism '', three film nights and a memory installation about the Krystallnacht.
The workshop was an invitation to everyone who works or wished to work on topics related to the history and memory of National Socialism. The need for this workshop emersed from our own work on the history and memory of “Holocaust Boxers”. Through interactive methods we want to reflect on our perceptions of history and memory and to reconsider how they may affect our artistic or academic work and our everyday practices. The workshop will be held in English, but we will be able to provide help if translation is needed. We commit to creating and keeping a safe space, where everyone feels respected, but we will show no tolerance to antisemitism, anti-romani sentiment or sexism.